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Selected Publications
- Véronique Baron, Parisa Abedinpour, John Welsh and Per Borgström. IntraVital Microscopy in the mouse dorsal chamber model for the study of solid tumors. American Journal for Cancer Research, Volume 1, Number 5, 2011.
- Abedinpour P, Baron VT, Welsh J, Borgström P. Regression of prostate tumors upon combination of hormone ablation therapy and celecoxib in vivo. Prostate. 2010 Nov 4. [Epub ahead of print]
- Lysann Sauer, Delphine Gitenay, Cassandra Vo and Véronique T. Baron. Mutant p53 initiates a feedback loop that involves Egr-1/EGF receptor/ERK in prostate cancer cells. Oncogene, 2010 May 6;29(18):2628-37.
- Xiao-Qin Xia, Michael McClelland and Yipeng Wang. TabSQL: a MySQL tool to facilitate mapping user data to public databases. BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:342.
- Nystrom J, Chen A, Frelin L, Ahlen G, Koh S, Brass A, Peterson DL, Fons M, Milich DR, Hultgren C, Sallberg M. Improving on the ability of endogenous hepatitis B core antigen to prime cytotoxic T lymphocytes. J Infect Dis. 2010 Jun 15; 201(12):1867-79.
- Jonathan G. Frye, Rebecca L. Lindsey, Gaelle Rondeau, Steffen Porwollik, Fred Long, Michael McClelland, Charlene R. Jackson, Mark D. Englen, Richard J. Meinersmann, Mark E. Berrang, Johnnie A. Davis, John B. Barrett, Jennifer B. Turpin, Sutawee N. Thitaram, Paula J. Fedorka-Cray. Development of a DNA Microarray to Detect Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Identified in the National Center for Biotechnology Information Database. 2010. Microb Drug Resist. 16:9-19.
- Eun-Ju Lee, Michael McClelland, YiPeng Wang, Fred Long, Sang-Ho Choi, Je-Ho Lee. Distinct DNA methylation profiles between adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of human uterine cervix. 2010. Oncol Res. 18:401-8.
- Carlos Santiviago, Blondel CJ, Quezada CP, Silva CA, Tobar PM, Steffen Porwollik, Michael McClelland, Helene Andrews-Polymenis, Toro CS, Zaldívar M, Contreras I. Spontaneous excision of the Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis-specific defective prophage-like element {Phi}SE14. 2010. J Bacteriol. 192:2246-54.
- Eva Kucerova, Sandra W. Clifton, Xiao-Qin Xia, Fred Long, Steffen Porwollik, Lucinda Fulton, Catrina Fronick, Patrick Minx, Kim Kyung, Wesley Warren, Robert Fulton, Dongyan Feng, Aye Wollam, Neha Shah, Veena Bhonagiri, William E. Nash, Kymberlie Hallsworth-Pepin, Richard K. Wilson, Michael McClelland, and Stephen J. Forsythe. Genome sequence of Cronobacter sakazakii BAA-894 and Comparative Genomic Hybridization analysis with other Cronobacter Species. 2010. PLoS ONE 5: e9556
- Nabil Arrach, Pui Cheng, Ming Zhao, Carlos Santiviago, Robert Hoffman, Michael McClelland. High-throughput screening for Salmonella avirulent mutants that retain targeting of solid tumors. Cancer Research 2010. 70:2165-70.
- Xiao-Qin Xia, Zhenyu Jia, Steffen Porwollik, Fred Long, Hoemme C, Ye K, Carsten Müller-Tidow, Michael McClelland, YiPeng Wang. Evaluating oligonucleotide properties for DNA microarray probe design. 2010. Nucleic Acids Res. (in press).
- Carsten Müller-Tidow, Hans-Ulrich Klein, Antje Hascher, Fabienne Isken, Lara Tickenbrock, Nils Thoennissen, Shuchi Agrawal-Singh, Petra Tschanter, Christine Disselhoff, Yipeng Wang, Anke Becker, Christian Thiede, Gerhard Ehninger, Udo zur Stadt, Steffen Koschmieder, Matthias Seidl, Frank U. Müller, Wilhelm Schmitz, Peter Schlenke, Michael McClelland, Wolfgang E. Berdel, Martin Dugas and Hubert Serve. Profiling of histone H3 lysine 9 trimethylation levels predicts transcription factor activity and survival in acute myeloid leukemia. 2010. Blood (in press)
- YiPeng Wang, Xiao-Qin Xia, Zhenyu Jia, Anne Sawyers A, Yao H, Jessica Wang-Rodriquez, Dan Mercola, Michael McClelland. In silico estimates of tissue components in surgical samples based on expression profiling data. 2010. Cancer Research (in press)
- Edel O'Regan, Tersa Quinn, Jonathan G. Frye, Jean-Marie Pagès, Steffen Prowollik, Paula J. Fedorka-Cray, Michael McClelland, and Séamus Fanning. Fitness Costs and Stability of a High-Level Ciprofloxacin Resistance Phenotype in Salmonella enterica Serotype Enteritidis: Reduced Infectivity Associated with Decreased Expression of Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 Genes Anitimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Jan. 2010; pg. 367-374.
- Gitenay, Delphine; Baron, Véronique T. Is EGR1 a potential target for prostate cancer therapy? Future Oncology, Vol. 5, Sept. 2009, pp. 993-1003.
- Whitacre DC, Lee BO, Milich DR. Use of hepadnavirus core proteins as vaccine platforms. Expert Rev Vaccines 2009 Nov, 8(11):1165-73.
- Denise A. Kaminski, Byung O. Lee, Sheri M. Eaton, Laura Haynes, and Troy D. Randall. CD28 and ICOS signaling can sustain CD154 expression on activated T cells. 2009 Immunology, Jul, 127(3):373-8 (First two authors equally contributed)
- Charles Ansong, Hyunjin Yoon, Steffen Porwollik, Heather Mottaz-Brewer, Brianne O. Petritis, Navdeep Jaitly, Joshua N. Adkins, Michael McClelland, Fred Heffron, and Richard D. Smith. 2009. Global systems-level analysis of Hfq and SmpB deletion mutants in Salmonella: implications for virulence and global protein translation. 2009. PLoS ONE e4809.
- Massimo Merighi, Alecia N Septer, Amanda Carroll-Portillo, Aditi Bhatiya , Steffen Porwollik, Michael McClelland and John S Gunn. Genome-wide analysis of the PreA/PreB (QseB/QseC) regulon of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. 2009. BMC Microbiology 9:42.
- Hyunjin Yoon, McDermott JE, Steffen Porwollik, Michael McClelland, Fred Heffron. Coordinated Regulation of Virulence during Systemic Infection of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium. 2009. PLoS Pathogens 5:e1000306.
- Helene Andrews-Polymenis, Carlos Santiviago, Michael McClelland. Novel genetic tools for studying food borne Salmonella. 2009. Current Opinions in Biotechnology 20:149-57.
- Carlos Santiviago, Reynolds MM, Steffen Porwollik, Sang Ho Choi, Fred Long, Helene Andrews-Polymenis, and Michael McClelland. Analysis of pools of targeted Salmonella deletion mutants identifies novel genes affecting fitness during competitive infection in mice. 2009. PLoS Pathogens 5:e1000477.
- Xiao-Qin Xia, Michael McClelland, Steffen Porwollik, Wenzhi Song, Zianling Cong, and Yipeng Wang. WebArrayDB: cross-platform microarray data analysis and public data repository. Bioinformatics, 2009 25(18):2425-2429
- Frelin L, Wahlstrom T, Tucker, AE, Jones J, Hughes J, Lee BO, Billaud JN, Peters C, Whitacre D Peterson D Milich DR. A mechanism to explain the selection of the hepatitis e antigen-negative mutant during chronic hepatitis B virus infection. J of Virol. 2009; 83:1379-1392.
- Byung O. Lee, Amy Tucker, Lars Frelin, Matti Sallberg, Joyce Jones, Cory Peters, Janice Hughes, David Whitacre, Bryan Darsow, Darrell L. Peterson and David R. Milich. Interaction of the Hepatitis B Core Antigen and the Innate Immune System. J of Imm. 2009; 182: 6670-6681.
- Jean-Noel Billaud, Darrell Peterson, Byung O. Lee, Toshiyuki Maruyama, Antony Chen, Matti Sallberg, Fermin Garduno, Phillip Goldstein, Janice Hughes, Joyce Jones and David Milich. Advantages to the Use of Rodent Hepadnavirus Core Proteins as Vaccine Platforms. Vaccine 2007; 25(9):1593-606.
- L. Ferlin, ED Brenndörfer, G Anlén, M Weiland, C Hultgren, M Alheim, H Glaumann, B Rozell, DR Milich, JG Bode, M Sällberg. The hepatitis C virus and immune evasion: non-structural 3/4A transgenic mice are resistant to lethal tumour necrosis factor a mediated liver disease. Gut. 2006; 55:1475-1483.
- Jean-Noel Billaud, Darrell Peterson, Florian Schodel, Antony Chen, Matti Sallberg, Fermin Garduno, Phillip Goldstein, Wendy McDowell, Janice Hughes, Joyce Jones, and David Milich. Comparative Antigenticity and Immunogenicity of Hepadnavirus Core Proteins. J of Virol. 2005; 79:13641-13655.
- Jean-Noel Billaud, Darrell Peterson, Margaret Barr, Antony Chen, Matti Sallberg, Fermin Garduno, Phillip Goldstein, Wendy McDowell, Janice Hughes, Joyce Jones, and David Milich. Combinatorial Approach to Hepadnavirus-Like Particle Vaccine Design. J of Virol. 2005; 79:13656-13666.
- Margaret T. Chen, Matti Sallberg, Janice Hughes, Joyce Jones, Luca G. Guidotti, Francis V. Chisari, Jean-Noel Billaud, and David R. Milich. Immune Tolerance Split between the Hepatitis B Virus Precore and Core Proteins. J of Virol. 2005; 79:3016-3027.
- Byung O. Lee, Javier Rangel-Moreno, Juan E. Moyron-Quiroz, Louise Hartson, Melissa Makris, Frank Sprague, Frances E. Lund and Troy d. Randall. CD4 T Cell-Independent Antibody Response promotes Resolution of primary influenza infection and Helps to Prevent Reinfection. J of Imm. 2005; 175:5827-38.
- Margaret T. Chen, Jean-Noel Billaud, Matti Sallberg, Luca G. Guidotti, Francis V. Chisari, Joyce Jones, Janice Hughes, and David R. Milich. A function of the hepatitis B virus precore protein is to regulate the immune response to the core antigen. PNAS 2004; 101:14913-14918.
- Lee, BO, Hartson,OL, Randall TD. CD40-deficient, influenza-specific CD8 memory T cells develop and function normally in a CD40-sufficient environment. J. Exp. Med. 2003; 198:1759-64.
- Lee BO, Moyron-Quiroz J, Rangel-Moreno J, Kusser KL, Hartson L, Sprague F, Lund FE, Randall TD. CD40, but not CD154, expression on B cells is necessary for optimal primary B cell response. J. of Imm. 2003; 171:5705-17.
- Byung O. Lee, Laura Haynes, Sheri M. Eaton, Susan l. Swain and Troy D. Randall. The biological Outcome of CD40 Signaling is Dependent on the Duration of CD40 Lignad Expression: Reciprocal Regulation by Interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-12. J. Exp. Med. 2002; 196:693-704.
- Chen M, Sallberg M, Thung SN, Hughes J, Jones J, Milich DR. Modeling the T helper cell response in acute and chronic HBV infection using T cell receptor transgenic mice. Antiviral Research 2002; 52:99-111.
- Milich DR. Influence of C4A deficiency on non-response to HBsAg vaccination: A new immune response gene. J of Hepatol. 2002; 37:396-399.
- Lazdina U, Cao T, Steinbergs J, Alhein M, Pumpens P, Peterson DL, Milich DR, Leroux-Roels G, Sallberg M. Molecular basis for the interaction of the hepatitis B core antigen with the surface Ig receptor on naïve B cells. J of Virol. 2001; 75:6367-6374.
- Cao T, Lazdina U, Desombrer I, Vanlandschoot P, Milich DR, Sallberg M, Lerouz-Roels G. The hepatitis B virus core antigen binds and activates naïve human B cells in vivo-studies in a human PBL-NOD/SCID mouse model. J of Virol. 2001; 75:6359-6366.
- Milich DR, Hughes J, Jones J, Sallberg M, Phillips TR. Conversion of poorly immunogenic malaria repeat sequences into a highly immunogenic vaccine candidate. Vaccine 2001; 20:771-788.
- Chen M, Sallberg M, Thung SN, Hughes J, Jones J, Milich DR. Nondeletional T-cell receptor transgenic mice: model for the CD4(+) T-cell repertoire in chronic hepatitis B virus infection. J of Virol. 2000; 74:7587-7599.
- Billaud JN, Ly C, Phillips TR, de la Torre JC. Borna disease virus persistence causes inhibition of glutamate uptake by feline primary cortical astrocytes. J of Virol. 2000; 74:10438-10446.
- Billaud JN, Selway D, Yu N, Phillips TR. Replication rate of feline immunodeficiency virus in astrocytes is envelope dependent: implications for glutamate uptake. Virology. 2000; 266:180-188.
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